This unnamed water spirit is a character who appears in the animated series episode "Chapter 7: The Lost Clan", and the tie-in series book "Hilda and the Great Parade". Playing the same role within both.
Alike most other water spirits, it's basically a huge blob of water with white, glowing blank eyes. It can form a staircase across its body for others to climb, or a slide to let people off again.
In the animated series, the water spirit is notably larger than in the novelization, as in the latter Hilda and Frida barely fit on top of the spirit while in the animated series they had plenty of room.
This water spirit lives in the Björgfjord. When Hilda, Frida and Alfur Aldric need a ride to Cauldron Island to see the Lindworm, Alfur instructed Hilda to blow on a conch shell to summon this water spirit so it could give them a ride across the fjord.