This unnamed goat is a character who appears in the graphic novel, "Hilda and the Stone Forest" and the animated series, "Chapter 13: The Stone Forest" plus the tie-in series book, "Hilda and the White Woff". It played the same role in each.
The goat originally belonged to an unnamed Farmer who lives just outside the walls of Trolberg. When Hilda first met the farmer, he told her how a troll stole his goat the night before.
After Hilda, Johanna, and Twig end up in the Stone Forest, they learn that Trylla is the troll that stole the goat and is now using the animal as a beast of burden to transport her loot. Hilda, Johanna and Twig hide among the loot, and thus Trylla unknowingly ends up smuggling the three of them out of the Stone Forest. Unfortunately, when they are outside, Twig gets stuck in the loot, and at that same time the Two-Headed Troll attacks Trylla and her friends and steals the goat. He takes the goat, and thus Twig, back to his lair, and Johanna follows him to rescue Twig. The goat is not seen again after Johanna and Twig escape from the Two-Headed Troll's lair, leaving it unclear what became of the animal.
- In the animated series, Hilda's encounter with the farmer happens in "Chapter 1: The Troll Circle", but the reveal what became of the animal only comes at the end of the season in "Chapter 13: The Stone Forest", thus making the theft of the goat a season long brick joke.
- The goat is unusually strong, considering the load it is able to carry (which at it's height includes the weight of Johanna, Hilda, and Twig).
- In "Hilda and the White Woff", it is never revealed who the goat originally belonged to, since the farmer does not appear in this book.