This unnamed sea serpent is a character that appeared in the animated series, "Chapter 4: The Laughing Merman" and in the tie-in book series, "Hilda and the Laughing Merman". It plays the same role in both.
The sea serpent is a large ferocious beast with bluish-green skin, a pair of horse-like forelegs, bulging yellow eyes and four-part mandible mouth with sharp teeth.
In both "Chapter 4: The Laughing Merman" and "Hilda and the Laughing Merman", after Hilda, Frida and David, plus their newest friend Louise, meet Eugene, the merman claims he is being attacked by a sea serpent. The serpent immediately shows up, forcing the kids to try and escape from the creature. It chases them downstream where Louise takes a picture of it with her camera. After escaping the beast, Louise notices the creature did not appear on the photo she took. This is because it's eventually revealed that the sea serpent was nothing than an illusion used by Eugene himself to lure the kids to his cave.
Eugene summons another illusion of the sea serpent while giving his show during the song Bottom of the Sea, and again at the end of the story to help Hilda and friends get some payback on a group of Sparrow Scouts that were mean to them earlier.
- Since the only sea serpent ever seen is an illusion created by Eugene, it is unclear if there are any real sea serpents like this in the world of Hilda or if Eugene made the creature up himself.