Hilda: A Netflix Original Series Wiki

Loam is a Walking Land Creature that first appeared in the tie-in book Hilda and the Fairy Village. She also plays a role in Season 3 of the animated series.


Loam looks like most other Walking Land Creatures in that she is basically a slab of turf on legs. However, she is significantly bigger than the walking land creature seen in "Hilda and the Stone Forest"/"Chapter 1: The Troll Circle", as she can carry Astrid. In the tie-in novel, she is even bigger than in the animated series, being able to carry both Astrid and Johanna on her back simultaneously.


Animated series[]

Loam is the pet of Astrid. She is first seen when Astrid picks up Hilda, Johanna, David, Frida, and Tontu from the Tofoten train station. She carries their bags to Astrid's house. She also helps Astrid with her mail round.

Loam also helps carry their bags back to the station when Johanna cuts the vacation short and returns to Trolberg.

In "Chapter 8: The Fairy Isle", Loam stays with David and Frida after Astrid follows Hilda and Johanna into fairy country. She is seen getting along well with Twig.

Tie-in books[]

After The Pooka shows up at Astrid's house with a stolen woff egg but Hilda tricks him into dropping it, Astrid orders Loam to bring the egg back to the Woff cave

Later in the story, after Johanna learns from The Pooka that Hilda, David, and Frida have gone back to a Fairy Mound they visited earlier, Astrid offers her a ride on Loam. It takes Loam only ten minutes to run from the station to the Fairy Mound. Hilda has entered the mound and Frida attempts to dig her out, but the mound resists. Astrid orders Loam to dig instead, but even Loam is no match for the Fairy Mound.


Animated series
Tie-in novels


ve Characters
Main characters HildaJohannaFridaDavidAlfur AldricTwig
Sparrow Scouts Raven LeaderWillyLouiseJacobHarry
Trolberg Safety Patrol Erik AhlbergGerda GustavKeeper of the BellSelby
Witches KaisaMatilda PilqvistThe Committee of Three
Vikings Torgund's clan (TorgundOlafBjarnsenElofUliSolveig) • Knudsen clan (KnudsenGunnhildFergurdsenRedsdottirErrolHrothgar)
Other kids TrevorTrevor's friends (KellyBagsyAnders) • Halvor
Other adults AndersBearded sailorDavid's dadDavid's momEdmund AhlbergEmil GammelplassenFrida's dadFrida's momFarmerEnid HallgrimLinn JacobsenLloydPeter OstenfeldPrincipal MagnussonKelly's momPeg legged sailorVictoria Van GaleTrevor's momMulch ManagerSigrid SpenstigUnnamed ladyGil JonesWandaThe PolecatGuntherGarthHead of Marketing of JortsWhite haired sailorother
Elves AdelineAldric FamilyAloysiusBarchBragga Family (Agnes BraggaBartell Bragga) • Elf KingElf Prime MinisterElf mayorGertrudePrime Minister's cavalryRupertTomasJester elfUlrikUnnamed Elves
Giants: Forest Giant (Hoarder Forest Giant) • JorgenIllusSigmundFjällmarrBjörgValfreyjaAldinnHárHalldórMyrkrKaldDribHeimskrThe KnolemIce ManBliðaBrekkus the ThunderwurmEinarrGertlJaðarrokk
Trolls AmmaBabaTryllaBaby trollFemale trollMale TrollTrundleTrundle's brotherTwo-Headed TrollMattress Collecting TrollCamera-wearing trollCastle Ruins Trollother
Nisse Tontu (alpha)Tontu (beta)Victoria Van Gale's nisseDavid's houseFrida's house
Spirits: Water Spirits (books#1#2) • Weather Spirits (Baby Weather SpiritAngry weather spiritUnnamed Spirit)
Marra David's MarraKelly
Ghosts Abigail's dadCraigie WilliamsEngilbjort WilliamsGhost refereeDraugen (AbigailNicholasDraugen Captain) • Shoe-stealing ghost
Yule Lads KertasnikirPvorusleikirKetkrokurStekkjarsaurGluggagaegir
Vittra GeorgieYoung vittraUnnamed vittraList
Fairies AstridPhiniumLydiaThe Fairy Entity
Other creatures CedricDeer-foxes (Deer-Fox HerdTwig's parents) • Barghest (Jellybean) • GrylaThe House in the WoodsKrakenNittens (AngelinaPeppercorn) • Rat KingRock-Chewing SlugSwamp Men (Sigurd) • Salt-LionThunderbird (The Great Raven) • Tide MiceWalking Land Creatures (Loam) • Woffs (White WoffsBaby woffFemale wofflist) • Wood Folk (Wood Man) • LindwormTriffidEldridVoid of No ReturnTildy's monstersTime WormRed wolfStolen GoatEugeneThe Pookaother