Hilda: A Netflix Original Series Wiki

Because Hilda features a diverse cast of creatures, there are multiple minor creatures that have only been seen once, often no more than a cameo, and never given a proper name in the series. They will be listed here:

Graphic novels[]

Tree with a face and Shadowy Creatures[]

Living tree and shadowy creatures In "Hildafolk", when Hilda and Twig are lost in the woods, a panel shows they are being watched by three unidentified creatures, of whom the reader only gets to see their silhoutte. They are standing around a tree that has a face.

Forest creature[]

Mysterious forest creature This creature is briefly seen in "Hildafolk" when Hilda and Twig are lost in the woods, just before Hilda smells smoke from the Wood Man's house.


Birdcat At the back of "Hildafolk" are some of Luke Pearsons' sketches for the Hilda series. One of them depicts this bird-cat hybrid creature, that ultimately was never used in any of the stories.

White birdlike creatures[]

Tontu and Jellybean escaped Nowhere Space Two of these creatures can be seen in the final panel of "Hilda and the Black Hound", when Tontu and Jellybean are shown to have escaped Nowhere Space. They have a round head and long tail.

Slime-spitting rose[]

Slime spitting rose This large, white rose is seen in a single panel in "Hilda and the Stone Forest". It unleashes a green, slimelike substance onto Hilda, which Hilda later tried to explain to her mom without revealing she went on an adventure.

Book ghost[]

Ghost from book Early in "Hilda and the Stone Forest", a single panel shows Hilda and Frida summoning this creature from a book in the Library. Hilda was still stunned by the experience when she returned home in the next panel.

Green Worms[]

Green worms These large, green, wormlike creatures are seen in a single panel in "Hilda and the Stone Forest", on board the wreck of a ship Hilda and Twig are visiting.

Carrot Creature[]

Carrot creature
Carot creature - movie
This creature was briefly seen in "Hilda and the Mountain King", when Hilda, who had been turned into a Troll, declined the meat the other Trolls offered her and asked for something vegetarian instead. She was offered a carrot, but before she could take a bite the carrot turned out to be a living creature. Hilda thus refrained from eating it. It is theorized that it may be a Vittra, although this is unclear. A similar scene also appears in the movie.

Animated series[]

Footprint creature[]

Giant footprint In The Hidden People, while Hilda and Twig are running away from a Troll, they come across this giant footprint in the landscape, which puzzles and awes Hilda.

This footprint may be from Jorgen, but so far, it hasn’t been confirmed.

Flying Pigs[]

This unseen creature was mentioned by Alfur in The Lost Clan when he stated that events in which pigs gain the ability to fly occur “with some regularity”.

Ground Cows[]

Vittra cows

These creatures are shown to live in the underground portion of Gorrill Gardens. They resemble cows, but only come up to Hilda's waist. A Vittra is shown herding them in The Sparrow Scouts, and another is seen painting one.

Moss Creature[]

Moss creature
This creature appears in The House in the Woods. This creature resembles a large insect, with moss growing on it’s back.

It was resting on a tree on some actual moss, but retreated when Hilda took a closer look while trying to navigate her way back to Trolberg (using the navigation technique that moss always grows on the north side of trees).

Unidentified Monster[]

Unidentified Monster
In "Chapter 7: The Beast of Cauldron Island", while Hilda and Frida travel beneath the seabed inside a water spirit, where they come across the remains of a dead sea monster.

Novelization & other books[]

Snaggletooth python[]

A creature that is briefly mentioned by David in "Hilda and the White Woff", but not actually seen. It is presumably some kind of snake.


This creature is mentioned in Hilda's Book of Beasts and Spirits, in the article that also covers Swamp Men. So far, they have not appeared in any other Hilda media.

Will-o-the-wisps appear as tiny, flickering balls of light, that lure unexpected people into swamps in an attempt to drown them. If the victim escapes, the will-o-the-wisp is known to get sulky.

Hilda Creatures[]

Hilda creatures - animals

The game Hilda Creatures features a wide variety of birds, dogs and foxes that the player can try to find.

ve Characters
Main characters HildaJohannaFridaDavidAlfur AldricTwig
Sparrow Scouts Raven LeaderWillyLouiseJacobHarry
Trolberg Safety Patrol Erik AhlbergGerda GustavKeeper of the BellSelby
Witches KaisaMatilda PilqvistThe Committee of Three
Vikings Torgund's clan (TorgundOlafBjarnsenElofUliSolveig) • Knudsen clan (KnudsenGunnhildFergurdsenRedsdottirErrolHrothgar)
Other kids TrevorTrevor's friends (KellyBagsyAnders) • Halvor
Other adults AndersBearded sailorDavid's dadDavid's momEdmund AhlbergEmil GammelplassenFrida's dadFrida's momFarmerEnid HallgrimLinn JacobsenLloydPeter OstenfeldPrincipal MagnussonKelly's momPeg legged sailorVictoria Van GaleTrevor's momMulch ManagerSigrid SpenstigUnnamed ladyGil JonesWandaThe PolecatGuntherGarthHead of Marketing of JortsWhite haired sailorother
Elves AdelineAldric FamilyAloysiusBarchBragga Family (Agnes BraggaBartell Bragga) • Elf KingElf Prime MinisterElf mayorGertrudePrime Minister's cavalryRupertTomasJester elfUlrikUnnamed Elves
Giants: Forest Giant (Hoarder Forest Giant) • JorgenIllusSigmundFjällmarrBjörgValfreyjaAldinnHárHalldórMyrkrKaldDribHeimskrThe KnolemIce ManBliðaBrekkus the ThunderwurmEinarrGertlJaðarrokk
Trolls AmmaBabaTryllaBaby trollFemale trollMale TrollTrundleTrundle's brotherTwo-Headed TrollMattress Collecting TrollCamera-wearing trollCastle Ruins Trollother
Nisse Tontu (alpha)Tontu (beta)Victoria Van Gale's nisseDavid's houseFrida's house
Spirits: Water Spirits (books#1#2) • Weather Spirits (Baby Weather SpiritAngry weather spiritUnnamed Spirit)
Marra David's MarraKelly
Ghosts Abigail's dadCraigie WilliamsEngilbjort WilliamsGhost refereeDraugen (AbigailNicholasDraugen Captain) • Shoe-stealing ghost
Yule Lads KertasnikirPvorusleikirKetkrokurStekkjarsaurGluggagaegir
Vittra GeorgieYoung vittraUnnamed vittraList
Fairies AstridPhiniumLydiaThe Fairy Entity
Other creatures CedricDeer-foxes (Deer-Fox HerdTwig's parents) • Barghest (Jellybean) • GrylaThe House in the WoodsKrakenNittens (AngelinaPeppercorn) • Rat KingRock-Chewing SlugSwamp Men (Sigurd) • Salt-LionThunderbird (The Great Raven) • Tide MiceWalking Land Creatures (Loam) • Woffs (White WoffsBaby woffFemale wofflist) • Wood Folk (Wood Man) • LindwormTriffidEldridVoid of No ReturnTildy's monstersTime WormRed wolfStolen GoatEugeneThe Pookaother