Hilda: A Netflix Original Series Wiki

Edmund Ahlberg, nicknamed "The Troll Slayer", was one of the founders of the city of Trolberg, and also the founder of The Ahlberg School, which was named after him.

He does not appear in any of the graphic novels, but was created for the animated series. He is mentioned a few times in the novelization as well.


Not much is known about him, other than that he apparently killed at least one troll. In "Hilda and the Great Parade", Ms. Hallgrim describes him as the greatest trollslayer the city has ever seen. It was also his idea to build the wall that surrounds Trolberg.[1]

In "Chapter 5: The Troll Rock", a statue is dedicated to him was to be unveiled during Parent's Night at the Ahlberg School, but it got smashed by a Troll.

In "Chapter 8: The Tide Mice", Hilda discovers a biography about him in the Library, but never gets to read it since Twig discovers a hidden room.

In "Chapter 9: The Ghost", the statue is fixed again and seen outside the school, though in "Chapter 1: The Troll Circle", it is quite obvious that the statue was given a very makeshift and unprofessional repair: It was patched up with ordinary office adhesive tape and has cracks everywhere.

In the novel "Hilda and the Time Worm", while Hilda is fleeing from the titular Time Worm, she is briefly send back in time to ancient Trolberg, and witnesses Edmund Ahlberg and his army taking on an army of Trolls. This scene does not happen in the animated series.

In the Movie, the statue of Edmund Ahlberg had crumbled while Amma was awaken from slumber.

It is unknown if the statue ever got rebuild again.


  • While the character does not appear in the graphic novels, another character sharing his last name does: Erik Ahlberg. On September 08 2020, it was confirmed that Edmund is indeed an ancestor of Erik.[2]
  • In the novel "Hilda and the Great Parade, a subplot involves the students from The Ahlberg School building a float in his honor for the Bird Parade. It is this float rather than a statue that gets wrecked by the Troll, forcing Principal Magnusson to cosplay as Erik Ahlberg on the float so the school can still participate in the parade.
  • The Hilda Tie-In Series reveals that besides the school, various other locations and buildings in Trolberg are named after Edmund Ahlberg.
  • A small subplot in the novelization involves Hilda failing to understand why a trollslayer like Edmund Ahlberg would be considered a hero, since she believes him to be a murderer who killed defenseless trolls.


  1. Hilda's World: A guide to Trolberg, the wilderness, and beyond
  2. https://twitter.com/hildatheseries/status/1303409894389882897 Introducing Trolberg’s Safety Patrol, Erik Ahlberg!]

ve Characters
Main characters HildaJohannaFridaDavidAlfur AldricTwig
Sparrow Scouts Raven LeaderWillyLouiseJacobHarry
Trolberg Safety Patrol Erik AhlbergGerda GustavKeeper of the BellSelby
Witches KaisaMatilda PilqvistThe Committee of Three
Vikings Torgund's clan (TorgundOlafBjarnsenElofUliSolveig) • Knudsen clan (KnudsenGunnhildFergurdsenRedsdottirErrolHrothgar)
Other kids TrevorTrevor's friends (KellyBagsyAnders) • Halvor
Other adults AndersBearded sailorDavid's dadDavid's momEdmund AhlbergEmil GammelplassenFrida's dadFrida's momFarmerEnid HallgrimLinn JacobsenLloydPeter OstenfeldPrincipal MagnussonKelly's momPeg legged sailorVictoria Van GaleTrevor's momMulch ManagerSigrid SpenstigUnnamed ladyGil JonesWandaThe PolecatGuntherGarthHead of Marketing of JortsWhite haired sailorother
Elves AdelineAldric FamilyAloysiusBarchBragga Family (Agnes BraggaBartell Bragga) • Elf KingElf Prime MinisterElf mayorGertrudePrime Minister's cavalryRupertTomasJester elfUlrikUnnamed Elves
Giants: Forest Giant (Hoarder Forest Giant) • JorgenIllusSigmundFjällmarrBjörgValfreyjaAldinnHárHalldórMyrkrKaldDribHeimskrThe KnolemIce ManBliðaBrekkus the ThunderwurmEinarrGertlJaðarrokk
Trolls AmmaBabaTryllaBaby trollFemale trollMale TrollTrundleTrundle's brotherTwo-Headed TrollMattress Collecting TrollCamera-wearing trollCastle Ruins Trollother
Nisse Tontu (alpha)Tontu (beta)Victoria Van Gale's nisseDavid's houseFrida's house
Spirits: Water Spirits (books#1#2) • Weather Spirits (Baby Weather SpiritAngry weather spiritUnnamed Spirit)
Marra David's MarraKelly
Ghosts Abigail's dadCraigie WilliamsEngilbjort WilliamsGhost refereeDraugen (AbigailNicholasDraugen Captain) • Shoe-stealing ghost
Yule Lads KertasnikirPvorusleikirKetkrokurStekkjarsaurGluggagaegir
Vittra GeorgieYoung vittraUnnamed vittraList
Fairies AstridPhiniumLydiaThe Fairy Entity
Other creatures CedricDeer-foxes (Deer-Fox HerdTwig's parents) • Barghest (Jellybean) • GrylaThe House in the WoodsKrakenNittens (AngelinaPeppercorn) • Rat KingRock-Chewing SlugSwamp Men (Sigurd) • Salt-LionThunderbird (The Great Raven) • Tide MiceWalking Land Creatures (Loam) • Woffs (White WoffsBaby woffFemale wofflist) • Wood Folk (Wood Man) • LindwormTriffidEldridVoid of No ReturnTildy's monstersTime WormRed wolfStolen GoatEugeneThe Pookaother