Hilda is standing in some field.
And suddenly finds herself back in Fairy Country.
Fortunately, it’s another dream. She’s safely in her home in Trolberg.
But when she fell out of bed, she broke her charm.
She calls her aunt to ask for help. Astrid assures her she won’t need the charm in Trolberg.
Still, Hilda feels safer with the charm. Especially because of her dreams.
Astrid tells her the wood for the charm came from the Faratok Tree, which grows in the Forest of Nott.
So that is where Hilda goes.
And surprise; Wood Man is there too.
He is taking care of these woods. And is not happy about people breaking off part of the tree for things like wands and charms.
One problem he is facing here are the Giant Squirrels.
Twig gets into a fight with one of the Squirrels.
When Twig chases the squirrel into the tree, Hilda follows.
And when they emerge from the tree, they have somehow travelled back in time.
And considering her previous time travel experience, Hilda urges Twig not to change anything.
There are Elves in the village too. Hilda almost steps on one of their homes.
Then a Giant walks by and crushes a house.
The owners are naturally upset. They claim they are fortunate however to have the Giant Slayer.
A week ago the Giant Slayer captured the brother of this giant, who is now looking for him.
When Hilda follows the giant, she discovers more giants nearby.
Wood Man also followed Hilda here. Hilda gets to talk to the giant she was following.
She shows Hilda and Wood Man where her brother is.
He is a captive in the human village, but it is likely a trap for the other giants.
After learning from Wood Man that time travel with the Faratok Tree brings you to an alternate universe, and thus there are no consequences for their own timeline, Hilda decides to help the giants.
Hilda confronts the soldiers guarding Drib.
When she demands to speak with the giant slayer, a huge, muscular man approaches.
But he is not the giant slayer. This boy, Halvor, is.
He does not exactly make a good first impression.
He takes Hilda to his tent to show her his plan of attack.
Halvor won’t listen to her, but Hilda is unwilling to give up.
In the village, the catapults are ready.
Hilda and Wood Man sneak back into the camp, but Wood Man is reluctant to as the villagers may see him as a threat.
Hilda steals a sword and climbs on Drib.
Then a village sees Wood Man, and mistakes him for a demon.
Hilda is making progress, and Drib is getting free.
The villages capture Wood Man.
Drib accidentally knocks Hilda off him before she can free him.
She spends some time unconscious.
When she wakes up, Kald is approaching the village.
And Halvor is ready to fight.
They attack Kald with their catapults.
But the other giants interfere.
And begin a counter-attack.
Hilda stops Halvor before he can attack Halldór.
Hilda launches herself from a catapult onto Kald.
Kald takes her to a meeting between the giants. They are planning to leave the Earth.
Through Kald, Hilda tries to convince them otherwise.
But as Kald explains her, Halvor is not the only problem. Humans the world over fear giants.
Hilda returns to the village, and finds Wood Man tied to stakes.
Hilda wants to free them, but Halvor attacks her.
And in doing so, he ends up setting fire to the whole village.
Which puts Wood Man at risk.
The fire spread to the Faratok Tree.
Hilda hears Halvor’s story.
Hilda makes him realize the giants are not destructive on purpose.
Unlike Halvor, who caused all this.
Hilda tries to save Woodman.
It’s Drib. Halvor has freed him.
And he also releases Wood Man.
Drib extinguishes the other fires.
The giants are leaping off the Earth.
Hilda makes one last attempt to stop them.
Hilda and Wood Man hurry back to the Faratok Tree and return to the present before the tree fully burns down.
When they emerge on the other side, the tree is gone.
Hilda feels she failed, but Wood Man assures her she made a difference.
He plans to plant a new Faratok Tree.
But he does give Hilda some of the leftover wood to restore her charm.
And she might need it soon; she is being watched.