But it’s not a good day for this Elf.
Hilda and Twig to the rescue
The chase takes them out of the city
And to a circle of petrified Trolls.
Hilda gets the house back
They startle a farmer, who thought they where trolls
He explains trolls have been coming close to the wall lately.
Hilda tries to return the Elf home, but unfortunately brings him to the wrong place.
Hilda returns home, and lies about where she’s been.
Then Eric Ahlberg and Gerda Gustav drop by at the house.
Hilda won the first Annual Safety Patrol student essay contest.
Johanna is surprised to hear about Hilda’s encounter with the troll.
Hilda is invited to go on patrol with Eric Ahlberg on board a zeppelin.
Principal Magnusson is thrilled to have a celebrity like Eric at his school.
They foolishly fly through a group of weather spirits.
Who retaliate by attacking the zeppelin.
Gerda barely manages to avoid a crash
They continue the patrol by car.
And give Raven Leader an updated version of the Trolls Safety Protocols
They last visit one of the bell stations near the wall.
The bell keeper admits last night a troll stole his sandwich
Hilda shows Erik and Gerda the troll circle
Erik poses for some photos
But they forget to keep an eye on the sun, which soon sets. Soon, the three humans find themselves in a troll fight.
Erik tries to frighten them with his bell, but this only enrages them further.
Gerda attempts to use the cars’ weapons.
To no avail, the Two-Headed troll wrecks the car.
Gerda saves herself with the inflatable shield
Hilda and Erik flee to the farm
The farmer doesn’t open fast enough, so they hide under the house.
Hilda suggests they try to escape through the Vittra tunnels.
A troll tries to steal the pig, but the farmer retaliates by ringing the bell on his house.
Hilda and Erik make a run for the tunnel.
Erik admits that he knew his bell would only make the trolls angry. He just wants the glory that comes with facing off against angry Trolls.
Gerda also escaped the trolls
Back home, Hilda has grown quite disillusioned with the safety patrol
Alfur assures her that, unlike Erik’s report, his report will leave out no details about what truly happened.