Hilda: A Netflix Original Series Wiki

Amma is the mother and grandmother of all Trolls. She is currently sleeping deep underneath the city of Trolberg. She appears in the graphic novel "Hilda and the Mountain King", along with its movie adaptation.


Amma is easily the biggest troll that ever lived, according to Hilda, Amma is a hundred times bigger than Trundle. Laying on her back, she is as big as Trolberg.

She is only ever seen in silhouette, so how exactly she looked is unknown.


Long ago, possibly even before the ancient Giants came[1] Amma built the mountains around Trolberg for her children to reside in. Afterwards, she went to sleep between the mountains, surrounded by her loved ones. While she slept however, her body got covered by earth, and humans build a settlement on top of it. This settlement grew into the city of Trolberg.

As the city grew, her children were driven further and further away from her, but still she didn't want to rise up and destroy the city. Since her voice could barely reach the other trolls anymore, most of them forgot about her. Only the oldest of trolls, like Trundle remembered her. Still, her presence kept drawing Trolls towards Trolberg, even though they could no longer remember what it was that attracted them, and knowing fully well that humans hated and feared them.

Trundle planned to lead the other trolls in an attack against Trolberg, hoping that, if the humans fought back and thus put Amma's children in danger, she would finally interfere and destroy the city. The plan was thwarted however, and instead the trolls were allowed to come into Trolberg one night a year to be close to Amma again. This celebration became known as The Night of the Trolls.

Although Amma did not appear in Season 3 of the animated series, a poster showing her beneath Trolberg can be seen in "Chapter 5: The Job" as part of the night of the troll.



  • Although a troll, it can be assumed that Amma is also a member of the giants.
    • Since both Amma and Bjorg are stated as the ancestors of all trolls, they're likely related with each other.
ve Characters
Main characters HildaJohannaFridaDavidAlfur AldricTwig
Sparrow Scouts Raven LeaderWillyLouiseJacobHarry
Trolberg Safety Patrol Erik AhlbergGerda GustavKeeper of the BellSelby
Witches KaisaMatilda PilqvistThe Committee of Three
Vikings Torgund's clan (TorgundOlafBjarnsenElofUliSolveig) • Knudsen clan (KnudsenGunnhildFergurdsenRedsdottirErrolHrothgar)
Other kids TrevorTrevor's friends (KellyBagsyAnders) • Halvor
Other adults AndersBearded sailorDavid's dadDavid's momEdmund AhlbergEmil GammelplassenFrida's dadFrida's momFarmerEnid HallgrimLinn JacobsenLloydPeter OstenfeldPrincipal MagnussonKelly's momPeg legged sailorVictoria Van GaleTrevor's momMulch ManagerSigrid SpenstigUnnamed ladyGil JonesWandaThe PolecatGuntherGarthHead of Marketing of JortsWhite haired sailorother
Elves AdelineAldric FamilyAloysiusBarchBragga Family (Agnes BraggaBartell Bragga) • Elf KingElf Prime MinisterElf mayorGertrudePrime Minister's cavalryRupertTomasJester elfUlrikUnnamed Elves
Giants: Forest Giant (Hoarder Forest Giant) • JorgenIllusSigmundFjällmarrBjörgValfreyjaAldinnHárHalldórMyrkrKaldDribHeimskrThe KnolemIce ManBliðaBrekkus the ThunderwurmEinarrGertlJaðarrokk
Trolls AmmaBabaTryllaBaby trollFemale trollMale TrollTrundleTrundle's brotherTwo-Headed TrollMattress Collecting TrollCamera-wearing trollCastle Ruins Trollother
Nisse Tontu (alpha)Tontu (beta)Victoria Van Gale's nisseDavid's houseFrida's house
Spirits: Water Spirits (books#1#2) • Weather Spirits (Baby Weather SpiritAngry weather spiritUnnamed Spirit)
Marra David's MarraKelly
Ghosts Abigail's dadCraigie WilliamsEngilbjort WilliamsGhost refereeDraugen (AbigailNicholasDraugen Captain) • Shoe-stealing ghost
Yule Lads KertasnikirPvorusleikirKetkrokurStekkjarsaurGluggagaegir
Vittra GeorgieYoung vittraUnnamed vittraList
Fairies AstridPhiniumLydiaThe Fairy Entity
Other creatures CedricDeer-foxes (Deer-Fox HerdTwig's parents) • Barghest (Jellybean) • GrylaThe House in the WoodsKrakenNittens (AngelinaPeppercorn) • Rat KingRock-Chewing SlugSwamp Men (Sigurd) • Salt-LionThunderbird (The Great Raven) • Tide MiceWalking Land Creatures (Loam) • Woffs (White WoffsBaby woffFemale wofflist) • Wood Folk (Wood Man) • LindwormTriffidEldridVoid of No ReturnTildy's monstersTime WormRed wolfStolen GoatEugeneThe Pookaother
  1. Hilda's World: A guide to Trolberg, the wilderness, and beyond, page 11